Vol. 15 No. 2 (2009): The public right to know: 'Giving them what they want'

Children climbing on dead mangroves in Kiribati. Cover photo ©Maria Timon/Pacific Calling Partnership.
Editors: David Robie and Wendy Bacon
Trauma, environmental journalism, health reporting and te reo Māori in new PJR
Trauma and exiled writers, the challenge of environmental journalism in Delta land, issues of editorial “slant” in health reporting and use of te reo Māori in newspapers are some of the topics featured in Pacific Journalism Review. The October 2009 edition is a special “Public right to know” joint issue published by the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism and AUT University’s Pacific Media Centre. A selection of eight peer-refereed papers, mostly drawn from the PR2K7 conference with the theme “Giving them what they want” (PR2K), has been published in this edition co-edited by professor Wendy Bacon, director of the ACIJ.
The PR2K conferences, which have been held regularly since 2000, have mostly focused on how the right of people to know what is happening has been frustrated by legal, political and social constraints on the media.