Vol. 18 No. 1 (2012): 'Back to the source' investigative journalism

Editors: Tom Morton, Wendy Bacon and David Robie
The May 2012 edition of Pacific Journalism Review features a selection of research, commentaries, articles and transcripts from the “Back to the Source” investigative journalism conference at the University of Technology, Sydney, last September. It also features a new section on “Journalism as research” with articles on investigations into two controversial mining sagas - West Papua’s Freeport mine at Grasberg and the Vale nickel refinery at Goro, New Caledonia. A review of Pacific media freedom reporting methodologies and an analysis of New Zealand's journalism school moderation system and accreditation are also included.
Back to the Source @ UTS
Frontline editor: Wendy Bacon
Fulltext of all PJR articles available on the INFORMIT subscription database