EDITORIAL: Gaza, genocide and media: Will journalism survive?
30th Anniversary Edition of Pacific Journalism Review: When editor Philip Cass and I, as founding editor, started planning for this 30th anniversary edition of Pacific Journalism Review, we wanted a theme that would fit such an important milestone. At the time when we celebrated the second decade of the journal’s critical inquiry at Auckland University of Technology with a conference in 2014, our theme was ‘Political journalism in the Asia Pacific’, and our mood about the mediascape in the region was far more positive than it is today (Duffield, 2015). Three years later, we marked the 10th anniversary of the Pacific Media Centre, with a conference and a rather gloomier ‘Journalism under duress’ slogan. The PJR cover then featured a gruesome corpse at the height of Rodrigo Duterte’s callous and bloodthirsty ‘war on drugs’—and on media—in the Philippines. Three years later again the PMC itself had been closed in spite of its success.
EDITORIAL NOTE: After the editorial of Pacific Journalism Review and the lead article in this edition (Vol 30, No 1&2) about the fate of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange were printed, the Australian journalist was set free and he arrived back in Australia after a plea bargain. The winner of his country’s Walkley Award for journalism excellence, Assange was freed by a US federal court in Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, on 26 June 2024 after a plea bargain to plead guilty to one charge of violating the US Espionage Act and the judge sentenced him to 62 months, jail time already served in the UK on remand. His 14-year struggle for freedom was over, but his lawyers say they will press for a full US presidential pardon.
CPJ. (2024, June 10). Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war, Committee to Protect Journalists. https://cpj.org/2024/06/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/
Duffield, L. (2015). PUBLISHING: Pacific Journalism Review: Twenty years on the front line of regional identity and freedom. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 21(1), 18-33. https://doi.org/10.24135/pjr.v21i1.145 DOI: https://doi.org/10.24135/pjr.v21i1.145
Fernandez, B. (2024, June 9). Collateral genocide in Nuseirat. Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2024/6/9/collateral-genocide-in-nuseirat
Johnston, C. (2024, June 11). Saving Gaza is about more than saving Gaza. It is about saving ourselves. https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/06/11/saving-gaza-is-about-more-than-saving-gaza-its-also-about-saving-ourselves/
Levy, G. (2024, June 7). Only one word . . . traitor. [X post @politicalplayer]. https://x.com/politicalplayer/status/1798805807292686428
The Wire. (2024, May 6). Palestinian journalists covering Gaza named winners of 2024 UNESCO Press Freedom Prize. https://thewire.in/media/palestine-gaza-journalist-unesco-press-freedom-prize
Treadwell, G. (2020, November 30). PJR editorship – thanks to Prof David Robie. [Email to JEANZ whānau].
War Child. (n.d.). Rami (10) is growing up under the Gaza blockade. https://www.warchild.net/stories-of-children/rami/
Will Israel accept the new UN Gaza ceasefire resolution? (2024, June 11). Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/6/11/will-israel-accept-the-un-backed-gaza-ceasefire-resolution

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