REVIEW: Defending the right to confidential sources and whistleblowers
Review of Journalists and Confidential Sources: Colliding Public Interests in the Age of the Leak, by Joseph M. Fernandez
Journalists and Confidential Sources: Colliding Public Interests in the Age of the Leak, by Joseph M Fernandez. Routledge Research on Journalism Series. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2021. 287 pages. ISBN 9780367474126
IN 2015, media law professor Joseph M. Fernandez co-authored a comprehensive article for Pacific Journalism Review (Fernandez & Pearson, 2015) about the status of Australia’s shield law regime, drawing on his research to see whether it met journalists’ expectations and whistleblower needs in an era of unprecedented official capabilities. It didn’t, as can be seen from growing concerns over court cases that, according to the peak journalists’ organisation Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), ‘clearly demonstrate Australia’s patchy and desperate journalist shields fail to do their job’.
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Fernandez, J., & Pearson, M. (2015). POLITICAL JOURNALISM: Shield laws in Australia: Legal and ethical implications for journalists and their confidential sources. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 21(1), 61-78. DOI:
MEAA. (2021, November 1). Urgent action needed to rescue Australian journalism. Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance.
SBS. (2024, February 12). Only one ‘utterly fatal’ fact in Ben Roberts-Smith’s appeal is contested, Nine’s lawyers argue, AAP.
Whitbourn, M., & Hall, B. (2023, December 11). Kerry Stokes capitulates in fight over costs of Roberts-Smith defamation battle, The Sydney Morning Herald.

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