Observer or participator? Diversity challenges for the role of the media profession

  • Selwyn Manning
Keywords: civil society, crosscultural, diversity, empowerment, reporting diversity


In the post 9/11 era there is considerable opportunity for the media profession to give insight into what has compelled one side to act in a way that has enraged and empowered another side to act in a manner that further caused hostility or anger to become entrenched.  When a crisis is on the rise, journalists, and the wider network of media, are often in a unique position to access areas where others are forbidden. Through skilful reporting journalists can elicit the specific points of justification from decision-makers and leaders. Where irony or illogic is discovered, seeking to discover the reason for this often identifies a vital link between ignorance and compulsion. When that connection is reported, the opportunity exists to inform.


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How to Cite
Manning, S. (2009). Observer or participator? Diversity challenges for the role of the media profession. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 15(1), 10-18.