REVIEW: When Pacific models of development fall short

  • Philip Cass Unitec
Keywords: China, diplomacy, Oceania, political economy, Germany, reviews


A Region in Transition: Politics and power in the Pacific Island countries, by Andreas Holtz, Matthias Kowasch and Oliver Hasenkamp (eds). Saarbrücken, Germany: Saarland University Press, 2016. 647 pages. ISBN 9783862231027/9783862231034

GERMANY'S involvement in the Pacific was cut short by the capture of its colonies by Australia, New Zealand and Japan in 1914. Agitation for the return of Germany’s colonies continued unabated during the National Socialist dictatorship, but it was Mt Kilimanjaro, not Mt Wilhelm that appeared on Nazi posters.


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How to Cite
Cass, P. (2018). REVIEW: When Pacific models of development fall short. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 24(1), 229-230.

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