REVIEW: Noted: Planning for the survival of megacities

Review of Come Hell and High Fever, by Russell W. Glen

  • Philip Cass Unitec
Keywords: cities, disasters, global, megacities, preparedness, reviews


Come Hell or High Fever. Readying the World’s Megacities for Disaster, by Russell W. Glen. Canberra: ANU Press. 2023. 482 pages. ISBN 9781760465537.

WITH a title straight out a Tom Clancy novel and a writing style that manages to combine facts, analyses and deep understanding of his topic with the pace of a thriller, Russell Glen’s book is as entertaining and it is thought provoking. Russell predicts that the world’s largest urban agglomeration, like Tokyo, are at risk from a variety of disasters and that it is vital for local and national leaders to think seriously about how to deal with them.



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MacFarland, S. (2023, January 27). The time to prepare for the inevitable is now, Small Wars Journal.

Come Hell cover icon
How to Cite
Cass, P. (2024). REVIEW: Noted: Planning for the survival of megacities: Review of Come Hell and High Fever, by Russell W. Glen. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 30(1and2), 273-274.

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