Reflections on design work practice in travesia

  • Michèle Wilkomirsky Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso of Technology
  • Marcos Mortensen Steagall  (Translator) Auckland University of Technology
Keywords: Design work, ephemeral, material forms, poetical origin, travesías


After years of joint experiences with Dr. Arturo Chicano and in the context of the celebration of 40 years of Travesías through the continent of our school, it is necessary to make a theoretical reflection about the dimensions covered in 9 works of design made in different parts of South America, in which both artistic and pedagogical aspects intersect to give shape to a formal purpose that is often ephemeral. In this conference we will present five questions that we have defined as pillars on which the practice of artistic design outside the classroom is based. Recognising that in the beginning, 40 years ago, the questions of extension were architectural, today these questions need to be answered from the nature of Design, in Travesías, given the maturity of the discipline. The questions are the following:

  1. To place, to found or to remain? We ask ourselves about the work that is placed or founded and that which remains or is transitory.
  2. Why is the economy of the work fundamental to design?
  3. Place or Place-ness? Relationship between the place of crossing and all its related geographical possibilities.
  4. Meaning: explain the poetic origin of each crossing and the questions we ask ourselves on each occasion of the crossing regarding the meaning of the form.
  5. Pedagogical dimension: explores the experience of the voyage and its role in the formation of students as well as teachers. Is it possible to sustain them?

These questions are not necessarily presented in a logical hierarchy, as each experience emphasises one or other aspect of the journey.

Author Biographies

Michèle Wilkomirsky, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso of Technology

Michèle Wilkomirsky Uribe is an Associate Professor, Graphic Designer, Doctor of the Rey Juan Carlos University, Secretary of the Architecture and Urbanism Faculty of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV). Professor of the design career at the PUCV School of Architecture and Design (EAD). In the Design undergraduate course, she teaches the workshop Legible City and the Digital Editions workshop.  In addition, she teaches Design and Contemporary Culture and supervises undergraduate thesis. Also she in Master's thesis evaluation committee member at the EAD.  Her projects are in Co Design for emergency contexts, digital editorial, and interaction Design.

Marcos Mortensen Steagall, Auckland University of Technology

Marcos Mortensen Steagall is an Associate Professor in the Communication Design department at the Auckland University of Technology - AUT since 2016. He is the Communication Design Postgraduate Strand Leader and Programme Leader for Communication Design and Interaction Design for Year 3. He holds a Master's (2000) and PhD (2006) in Communication & Semiotics acquired from The Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and a PhD in Art & Design from Auckland University of Technology in 2019. Research interest focus on Practice-oriented research in Design through a Global South perspective.
