A strong case for fair, neutral reporting

Review of Flat Earth News, by Nick Davies

  • Karl du Fresne
Keywords: global news, propaganda, British media, weapons of mass destruction, media portrayal


Flat Earth News is a 400-page exposé of shonky practices by the British media— and not just the scurrilous London tabloids, which would suprise no one, but by some of the so-called 'quality' broadsheets as well. Including Davies' own paper, The Guardian (though it must be said The Guardian emerges looking little purer than some if its competitors). Davies takes as his starting point the blizzard of misinformation disseminated by the media over Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction, and the failture of journalists to dig beneath the propaganda...


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How to Cite
du Fresne, K. (2008). A strong case for fair, neutral reporting: Review of Flat Earth News, by Nick Davies. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 14(2), 223-226. https://doi.org/10.24135/pjr.v14i2.954