Powerful Fiji doco shocks on urban poverty

Review of Struggling for a Better Living: Squatters in Fiji. Directed by Larry Thomas

  • Shailendra Singh
Keywords: grassroot media, Fiji media, poverty, marginalisation


"Fiji's squatter population was on the recieving end of some uncomplimentary comments during 2006. The then State Minister for Housing, Adi Asenaca Caucau, likend them to 'thieves because they lived illegally on someone else's land'. She urged police to make 'every effort to round up and remove' them. Reporters in Fiji are guaranteed a lively quote or two when Caucau opens her moutn. She one liked Indo-Fijians to weeds waking up too much space..."


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How to Cite
Singh, S. (2007). Powerful Fiji doco shocks on urban poverty: Review of Struggling for a Better Living: Squatters in Fiji. Directed by Larry Thomas. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 13(2), 203-206. https://doi.org/10.24135/pjr.v13i2.914