Defending journalism and the foundations of democracy

Media and digital democracy

  • Chris Warren
Keywords: digital democracy, media freedom, media safety, media unions


Even as journalists look forward to the benefits that technology will surely bring to digital democracy and journalism, they need to also reflect on the approaching ‘shadows’. These shadows are cast by three fundamental crises that threaten the free and independent practice of journalism and the very craft of journalism itself. These intertwined crises are: a crisis of press freedom, a crisis of safety and a crisis confronting the way journalists work. These crises are putting pressure on all journalists. But journalists and media workers are fighting back. The two commentaries over the next few pages outline some of these issues from the broad issue of media freedom in the Asia-Pacific region to women’s ‘suitcase’ broadcasting in the Pacific.


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How to Cite
Warren, C. (2007). Defending journalism and the foundations of democracy: Media and digital democracy. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 13(2), 9-16.