Analysis of a beat-up: The structuring of a sensational media story

  • Brian Martin University of Wollongong
Keywords: attack journalism, Australia, beat-up, Daily Telegraph, News Corp Australia, newspapers, semsationalism, tabloidisation, terrorism, trolling, yellow journalism


Media beat-ups are sensationalised stories that greatly exaggerate or misrepresent the significance of otherwise unremarkable events or issues. To illustrate how beat-ups can be analysed, a front-page story in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph newspaper in the context of the US-led global war on terror is examined in terms of its venue, the journalist and the content of the story. The features of a beat-up may be less arbitrary than they appear on the surface.


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How to Cite
Martin, B. (2018). Analysis of a beat-up: The structuring of a sensational media story. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 24(2), 117-133.