Editorial: An investigative legacy
In April 2017, a one-day seminar was held at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) to celebrate more than 25 years of the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism (ACIJ). The ACIJ produced, researched and promoted discussion of journalism from 1991 until it was closed by UTS in early 2017. Although no clear explanation was given for the university’s decision, observers generally agreed that the closure reflected the contemporary pressure on independent public interest activities in Australian universities, which are increasingly driven by financial and corporate needs as a consequence of decades of underfunding.
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Duffield, L. (2015). Pacific Journalism Review: Twenty years on the front line of regional identity and freedom. Pacific Journalism Review, 21(1), 18-33.
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Nolan, D., Chandler, J.,Brookes,S., Imison,M. (2017). On the map: Challenges and change in Australian humanitarian journalism’s coverage of the Asia-Pacific. Submission to Senate Inquiry into the Future of Public Interest Journalism. Retrieved in June 2017. http://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Senate/Future_of_Public_Interest_Journalism/PublicInterestJournalism/Submissions
RNZ Mediawatch (2017, June 25). Start-up scores a scoop and a scalp. Retrieved in June 2017, from www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/mediawatch/audio/201848470/start-up-scores-a-scoop-and-a-scalp
Robie, D. (2001). Frontline reporters: A students’ internet coup. Pacific Journalism Review, 7(1), 47-56.
Robie, D. (2010). Pacific freedom of the press: Case studies in independent campus-based media models. Pacific Journalism Review, 16(2), 99-126.

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