SPECIAL REPORT: The world according to China: Capturing and analysing the global media influence strategies of a superpower

  • Johan Lidberg Monash University
  • Louisa Lim University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Erin Bradshaw Monash University, Melbourne
Keywords: authoritarianism, case study, China, global media, influence, journalism, Pacific, public sphere


This project captured and analysed Chinese strategies seeking to influence global media in its coverage of China. While there is ample literature defining some of these strategies, there is a lack of empirical data tracking the strategies in practice. The project addressed this by surveying officials from journalism unions in 87 countries on their perceptions of Chinese influence on the media in their country. The surveys were complemented by focus groups with senior journalists and editors in six countries. The findings illustrated how China’s global media outreach policies have grown increasingly sophisticated and how the country utilises a multi-pronged approach to influence global media. Dukalskis’ (2017) authoritarian public sphere (APS) framework was used to conceptualise the studies and to analyse the findings. It is argued that China is attempting to offer its APS as an alternative to the traditional Habermasian (1989) public sphere.


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Author Biographies

Louisa Lim, University of Melbourne, Australia

Senior Lecturer in Audio-Visual Journalism, Culture and Communication, The University of Melbourne

Erin Bradshaw, Monash University, Melbourne

Research Assistant in Journalism Studies and Online Journalism, Monash University.


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How to Cite
Lidberg, J., Lim, L., & Bradshaw, E. (2023). SPECIAL REPORT: The world according to China: Capturing and analysing the global media influence strategies of a superpower. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 29(1 & 2), 182-204. https://doi.org/10.24135/pjr.v29i1and2.1317