Minor parties and employment relations at the 2023 election

  • Peter Skilling
  • Julienne Molineaux
Keywords: employment relations policy, public policy, New Zealand elections, MMP, political parties, coalition government


After three years of the first single-party majority government of the Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) era, the 2023 general election in Aotearoa New Zealand will result in a return to the historical norm: a government containing a major party with one or more minor political parties in a formal coalition, or a minority government relying on minor parties for support. Thus, the employment relations policies, the priorities and the power of these minor parties becomes important for assessing the likely trajectory of employment relations policy (ER) in the coming three years. Indeed, recent polling suggests that minor parties will have an unusually large degree of influence. At the time of writing, opinion polls suggest that the combined support for the minor parties is at levels not seen since 2002, with support for the two major parties correspondingly low. This article analyses the positions of the various minor parties likely to be in parliament after the election and speculates on how these parties might seek to influence the employment relations agenda of the next government.

How to Cite
Skilling, P., & Molineaux, J. (2023). Minor parties and employment relations at the 2023 election . New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 47(1), 179-197. https://doi.org/10.24135/nzjer.v47i1.125