Stitching, Threading, Binding

The Emergence of a Tuitui Methodology

  • Emily Parr AUT
Keywords: Tuitui, practice-based, moving-image, museums


This paper recounts the development of a tuitui methodology for the practice-based PhD thesis, ʻOli ʻUla: Housing the Kronfeld Collection through Moving-Image Practice. It lays out the context and objectives of the project, and discusses the motivation for creating a methodology that can encompass a diverse range of archival and artistic research methods. The paper recounts how stitching as a form of repair, and taonga as a relational thread, became propelling concepts in the research. These concepts are linked to methods through which the artworks were constructed, demonstrating how the methodology was enacted to address the objectives. Finally, the paper advocates for looking to scholars who have come before, and approaching research as a living, relational endeavour.


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How to Cite
Parr, E. (2024). Stitching, Threading, Binding: The Emergence of a Tuitui Methodology. Rangahau Aranga: AUT Graduate Review, 3(1).
Research Methodologies Issue