Co-designing the first online pharmacy course with the technology-enhanced learning accreditation standards (TELAS) as a reflective tool

Keywords: online pharmacy, TELAS framework, Online learning, technology-enhanced learning, Technology-enhanced course


This research describes the experiences of co-designing a technology-enhanced online Pharmacy course and how the Technology Enhanced Learning Accreditation Standards (TELAS) informed the design and development of a fit-for-purpose online course. This study used Gibb’s reflective model and Driscoll’s constructivist learning theory to unpack and align the processes in the development of the course. Finally, we have discussed the broader implications of the TELAS framework to online courses not only as a reflective tool but as an opportunity to inform future pedagogical practices, course improvements, validations and application of TELAS in practice.


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How to Cite
Pingo, Z., Volk, H., & Dianati, S. (2024). Co-designing the first online pharmacy course with the technology-enhanced learning accreditation standards (TELAS) as a reflective tool. Pacific Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 6(2), 1-22.