Looking behind the terror curtain: A developing world journalism perspective

  • Kalinga Seneriratne
Keywords: media representation, war on terror, anti-terrorism, international media, conflict reporting, understanding conflict, western media


This article explores and challenges the hypocrisy and misrepresentations surrounding Western media reportage of the global ‘war on terror’.  While the so-called Coalition of the Willing has introduced a rash of new anti-terror laws since 11 September 2001, many of the very freedoms which President Bush said the terrorists were out to destroy, have now been severely curtailed.  This article is also a critique of the dangers of anti-terrorism laws for media seeking to report a complex truth about nationalist struggles.



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How to Cite
Seneriratne, K. (2006). Looking behind the terror curtain: A developing world journalism perspective. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 12(2), 29-45. https://doi.org/10.24135/pjr.v12i2.861