REVIEW: A shameful tale of genocide and human suffering

Review of A-Not-So-Distant Horror: Mass violence in East Timor, by Joseph Nevins

  • Maire Leadbeater
Keywords: human rights, East Timor, genocide, corruption, developing countries


Joseph Nevins exposes and analyses how Western nations conspired together for more than two decades to back Indonesia and keep the East Timor issue out of the spotlight. The price paid by the East Timorese was a loss of life estimated at close to 200,000, or a third of its populatioon, proportionally one of the worst cases of genocide since World War II.


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How to Cite
Leadbeater, M. (2006). REVIEW: A shameful tale of genocide and human suffering: Review of A-Not-So-Distant Horror: Mass violence in East Timor, by Joseph Nevins. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 12(1), 169-173.