Post-colonial options in media conversations

The indigenous public sphere

  • Paul Spoonley
Keywords: indigenous, indigenous public sphere, culture, cultural diversity, identity politics, Indigeneity


For those of you who might who might be intersted in re-conceptulising the way in which New Zealand might become Aotearoa, one of the ongoing frustrations is the limitations of the media in relation to post-colonial discussions. The 1980s were characterised by a contradictory set of changes in the remaking of New Zealand. The conservation of econmoic deregulation and re-regulation was accompagnied by a significant re-ordering of identity. A particularly significant debate concerned national and indigenous identity and an emergent post-colonialism, or in During (1985) terms, coming to know New Zealand in our terms, not those which originated with a colonial power.


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How to Cite
Spoonley, P. (2005). Post-colonial options in media conversations: The indigenous public sphere. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 11(1), 8-12.