REVIEW: Stop searching, start finding - a handy media research guide

Review of Catch the Wave: Find good information on the Internet fast!, by Belinda Weaver.

  • Annie McKillop
Keywords: internet, research, web tools, reviews


Another book on finding 'good information on the internet fast!'? Surely that's too 1900s— we all use Google these days. And aren't there too many of these guides already? A subject search alone on Amazone finds 170. But Belinda weaver argues forcefully that an information literate (p viii) apporach to finding informration on the internet means that it is 'possible to find what you want 99 per cent of the time—without using search engines', (p ix) and, furthermore, avoid being 'buried in an avalanche of results' (p vi).


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How to Cite
McKillop, A. (2004). REVIEW: Stop searching, start finding - a handy media research guide: Review of Catch the Wave: Find good information on the Internet fast!, by Belinda Weaver. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 10(1), 219-221.