NZ journalism unit standards: Are they still needed?

  • Frank Sligo
Keywords: competence-based training, gatekeepers, journalism education, moderation, NZQA, unit standards, qualifications


One indicator of health in any field of human endeavour is the extent and quality of debate that occurs on how its new and developing practitioners should be educated. Currently in New Zealand a powerful influence upon the subject matter to be taught in professional journalism courses is a set of ‘unit standards’ comprising part of the National Qualifications Framework accredited by a government agency, the NZ Qualifications Authority (NZQA). These unit standards describe in extraordinary, reductionist detail, the requirements for two national qualifications, the National Diploma in Journalism, and the National Diploma in Journalism (Graduate).


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How to Cite
Sligo, F. (2004). NZ journalism unit standards: Are they still needed?. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 10(1), 191-199.