Teaching press freedom and open justice: A model for debate

  • Mark Pearson
Keywords: press freedom, open justice, journalism theory, journalism education, curriculum development, tertiary


This article explores ways of building the topics of press freedom and open justice into the teritary journalism curriculum. It uses reflective practice techniques in developing a series of two by three hour workshop modules centred around introducing students to the priniciples of press freedom and open justice, exploring cases where these issues have ben tested in the courts, and building students skills in defending press freedom and open justice in the newsroom and the courtroom. It uses poblem-based and experiential pedagogies to bring historical and philosophical principles to life and make them relevant to students' experiences and current newsroom practices. Finally, it invites comments and discussions on other curricular and pedagogical apporaches to teaching these topics. 


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How to Cite
Pearson, M. (2003). Teaching press freedom and open justice: A model for debate. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 9(1), 124-137. https://doi.org/10.24135/pjr.v9i1.760