REVIEW: Contradiction, paradox and ambiguity

  • Michael Bromley
Keywords: foreign correspondence, globalisation, international journalism, international relations


The term ‘international news’ is illustrative of the conflicted nature of journalism. At one and the same time it is well understood and meaningful—and anachronistic in a global era. There is a tendency in many quarters to shy away from addressing an inherent instability in journalism, and instead bemoan the demise of the foreign correspondent, the symbolic ‘man [invariably a man] in gray flannel’ (Cohen, 1963, p. 17) who determined what was worth knowing about the world: a highly-privileged élite among élites. The expiration of the legend can be posited as the demise of journalism writ large.


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How to Cite
Bromley, M. (2012). REVIEW: Contradiction, paradox and ambiguity. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 18(2), 196-198.