Social media ecology in an influencer group: Intersection between Fiji's media and social media

Keywords: case studies, citizen journalism, Fiji, digital ethnography, influencer groups, media, media analytics, social media, social media ecology


Social media use in Fiji has expanded in recent years and has become a ubiquitous feature in wider society. Social media ecology focusses and examines the dimensions of an online environment and its interplay with human experiences in user engagement. These dimensions with human experiences in user engagement, can provide an insight into how influential social media groups can become in shaping discourses and views. To examine and discuss the social media ecology of an influencer group, the article details one of Fiji’s largest and most influential online groups. To do this, the article uses digital ethnography, supplemented with social media analytics. This study provides key findings in the social media ecology of influencer groups and online behavior. These findings may have implications for further research in media, citizen journalism, viral content creation and online political campaigning.



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Author Biography

Jope Tarai, Australian National University (ANU), Canberra

Ph.D. Scholar at the Depart of Pacific Affairs, Australian National University

Academic Staff at the School of Social Sciences and Law, University of the South Pacific. 

Adjunct Research Fellow at the Center for Human Security and Social Change, La Trobe University Melbourne. 



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How to Cite
Tarai, J. (2024). Social media ecology in an influencer group: Intersection between Fiji’s media and social media . Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 30(1and2), 140-151.