FRONTLINE: Reversing silences in West Papua: Interdisciplinary research and (audio) documentary

  • Belinda Lopez Macquarie University
Keywords: anthropology, audio, documentary, Frontline, history, human rights, Indonesia, interdisciplinary research, investigative journalism, journalism as research, West Papua


Journalism about West Papua is in many ways an act of translation. It involves not only translating between languages, but also disciplines, audiences and knowledges. This article examines how interdisciplinary research—such as anthropology and history— might intersect with journalism as a means to understand and challenge existing gaps in translation, or ‘silences’ about West Papua in the past and present. It also reflects on how audio documentaries carry out such translation work on misunderstood and underreported issues. To illustrate this, the author reflects on the process of making the audio documentary #Illridewithyou, West Papua for ABC Radio National’s Earshot documentary programme as well as a companion long-form article for the ABC’s website. 


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How to Cite
Lopez, B. (2020). FRONTLINE: Reversing silences in West Papua: Interdisciplinary research and (audio) documentary. Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 26(1), 200-225.