Pacific Journalism Review out soon – as a 2021 double edition


Detail from Kasun Ubayasiri’s “neocolonial plate” image as part of his “Manua to Meanjin” journalism photoessay.

Detail from Kasun Ubayasiri’s “neocolonial plate” image as part of his “Manus to Meanjin” journalism photoessay. IMAGE: PJR

Pacific Journalism Review is running late for its mid-year edition for two reasons –- we have established a new production system this year, and we are producing a double edition as a bonus.

Normally published at the end of July and in November, we are combining both editions with a bunch of excellent research articles covering a range of issues.

Among the highlights are Kasun Ubayasiri’s photoessay “Manus to Meanjin”, an innovative case study of refugee migration, polymorphic borders and Australian “imperialism” in the Pacific.

Other topics include the COVID-19 pandemic, Facebook misinformation, Pacific watchdogs under pressure, journalism competencies “toolbox” in the digital age, peace journalism and responsibility, sustaining democratic freedoms with independent media and our usual comprehensive reviews section.

Many thanks to Tuwhera for our collaboration and support.

The new edition will be out soon. In the meantime, browse our 26-year archive of research and publication here.