Job Demands and Resources Predict Flourishing and Turnover Intentions

  • Ceara Nicolls
  • Jarrod Haar
  • Amanda Wallis
Keywords: Covid-19, job demands, job resources, flourishing, workplace wellbeing, turnover intentions


The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model suggests that job resources can buffer the detrimental effects of job demands. This remains untested in New Zealand within the context of the Covid-19 pandemic leaving researchers to question the importance of resources and whether the pandemic’s impact means that job demands are not as easily buffered. In this study, we test a moderated mediation model with job demands predicting turnover intentions, flourishing as a mediator and job resources buffering. Using data collected across eight New Zealand organisations in 2021 (N=934), the current study supports the necessity for organisations to take stock of the risk factors associated with job-related demands, and work to provide employees with necessary psychosocial job resources to buffer their effect on flourishing and turnover.

How to Cite
Nicolls, C., Haar, J., & Wallis, A. (2024). Job Demands and Resources Predict Flourishing and Turnover Intentions. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 48(1).