Research note: The strategic use of digital learning solutions for employee development: implications for employee relations

  • Munaal Abdali
  • Marcus Ho
  • Jeremy Morrow
Keywords: digital learning, strategic human resource management, organisational learning, learning and technology


The move towards digital technologies for employee training and development is increasingly imperative for organisations in a globalised and digitally connected society. This trend has been accelerated by a Covid-19 work environment where employers grapple with training and development through remote technologies. Consequently, employees are increasingly expected to make multifaceted decisions about their personal development in an uncertain technological environment. Within this environment, organisations are also under pressure to leverage their digital offerings to be more innovative and strategic. The adoption of digital learning solutions (DLS) for employee learning and development strategy has profound implications for their development and relationship with the organisation. This research note explores the implications of moving towards DLS through strategic reflections from human resources managers in New Zealand. Our findings suggest three critical strategic tensions that dominate HR managers’ thinking on adopting DLS: strategic rationales, organisational imperatives, and cognitive barriers. Finally, we discuss the implications of these critical tensions in technology adoption for employee development and employee relations. 

How to Cite
Abdali, M., Ho, M., & Morrow, J. (2024). Research note: The strategic use of digital learning solutions for employee development: implications for employee relations. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 48(2), 1-18.