Wanderer: An aisthetic inquiry into the experience of exile.

  • Summer Shan Auckland University of Technology
  • Marcos Mortensen Steagall  (Translator) Auckland University of Technology
Keywords: Aisthetic (sensory) design, 旅 (Exile), 旅行皮箱 (Portmanteau), Fictional, Poetic inquiry


This practice-led, artistic research project asks:  If a sensory designer draws on a historical literary convention of the羁旅 (exile), how might she create fictional artefacts that speak to the experience of loss and disorientation experienced by a Chinese student studying overseas? The project tells the story of Jiang Xiazheng, and her experience of exile when living as a Chinese student overseas. At the center of the study is a fictional 旅行皮箱 (suitcase-portmanteau) that constitutes a repository of ephemera. This suitcase operates as a form of narrative portrait. Each artefact inside it is a fictional design (including the student’s passport, official documents, and assignments she submitted for assessment). In composite these relate a story of estrangement and eventual triumph.  Jiang Xiazheng’s background narrative is available in a small bound notebook (on the shelf). On the table beside the suitcase is her final degree project.  The suitcase has two layers. Please feel free to unpack and examine each artefact and return it to its original position. When you read, touch, smell and feel the objects, they will speak of an extraordinary experience in the language of aisthetic (sensory) design.

Author Biographies

Summer Shan , Auckland University of Technology

Kexin Shan is a postgraduate student from China who lives in New Zealand and works as a visual communication designer. She holds a Bachelor of Communication Design and a Master of Design from Auckland University of Technology. She specializes in utilizing her own experiences to develop design explorations. Whether expanding on real experiences or constructing fictional worlds, she builds bridges between the imaginary and the real to create meaning. She combines different phenomena with visual communication design to convey internal voices. Research interests include practice-led inquiry in graphic design, poetic inquiry, sensory design, autoethnographic research and heuristics methodologies.

Marcos Mortensen Steagall, Auckland University of Technology

Marcos Mortensen Steagall is an Associate Professor in the Communication Design department at the Auckland University of Technology - AUT since 2016. He is the Communication Design Postgraduate Strand Leader and Programme Leader for Communication Design and Interaction Design for Year 3. He holds a Master's (2000) and PhD (2006) in Communication & Semiotics acquired from The Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and a PhD in Art & Design from Auckland University of Technology in 2019. Research interest focus on Practice-oriented research in Design through a Global South perspective.
