PANGAKO KO, (My Promise): How publication design can encourage cultural maintenance and reconnection within the Filipino Culture for Future Filipino Generations
“Pangako Ko” is a piece of work that is centred around the maintenance and acknowledgement of the Filipino cultural identity abroad through publication design. Based on my upbringing through the eyes of immigrant parents, provides nostalgic remembrance towards future enactment of the culture. The project aims to ground and reconnect Filipino individuals through the contextualization and critique of the culture from a second-generation point of view. The project grounds itself around the conceptual significance of family. The basis for this project is to foster and enact practices within the internal and external relationships of the culture through archival design. The methodological framework has a strong emphasis on an auto-ethnographic approach and heuristic inquiry. Resulting in a Z-Bind publication that communicates the framework of a second-generation Filipino through interactive, archival, photographic multi-page spreads.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Renier Manalili; Marcos Mortensen Steagall (Translator)

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