Teacher Education or Apprenticeship Training? Reflections on the Effects of Field-Based ITE on Teachers’ Work

Keywords: Teacher education; ITE; professions


The Initial Teacher Education (ITE) terrain in New Zealand is complex, varied, and populated by an increasing number of providers and options. Of interest here is field-based ITE or employment-based ITE, which has been a common practice in the ECE sector since the 1960s.


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Ako Mātātupu Teach First NZ (nd). https://teachfirstnz.org

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Freire, P. (1970/1996). Pedagogy of the oppressed(M. Ramos, Trans.). Penguin Books.

Johnston, M. & Martin, S. (2023). Who teaches the teachers? Reforming Initial Teacher Education in New Zealand. New Zealand Initiative. Available from https://www.nzinitiative.org.nz/reports-and-media/reports/who-teaches-the-teachers/

Whatman, J, de Waal, E., & MacDonald, J. (2019). Field-based initial teacher education: A paper prepared for the Ministry of Education. NZCER. Available from https://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/196609/NZCER-Report-Field-based-Initial-Teacher-Education.pdf

How to Cite
Benade, L. (2023). Teacher Education or Apprenticeship Training? Reflections on the Effects of Field-Based ITE on Teachers’ Work . Teachers’ Work, 20(2), 190-193. https://doi.org/10.24135/teacherswork.v20i2.604