Teacher Learning and Pedagogical Shifts Subsequent to Professional Development Experiences

  • Anne Lawrence Massey University
  • Glenda Anthony Massey University
  • Liping Ding Massey University


Mathematics pedagogy is a complex and multilayered practice, a practice that is formidably difficult to change. The authors of this paper were interested in understanding the changes that teachers from the Secondary Numeracy Project (SNP) have made to their practice. The paper focuses on a case study of one teacher, looking at how her teaching is changing in the year after professional development experiences of SNP. Teacher learning and associated changes in practice are seen as occurring across a continuum; the case study highlights that, for this teacher, participation in SNP was an impetus for her to continue to learn through inquiry into her own practice.


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How to Cite
Lawrence, A., Anthony, G., & Ding, L. (2009). Teacher Learning and Pedagogical Shifts Subsequent to Professional Development Experiences. Teachers’ Work, 6(2), 136-147. Retrieved from https://ojs.aut.ac.nz/teachers-work/article/view/519