Learners and Outcomes: Where Did All the Children Go?

  • Keith Ballard University of Otago


Ideas about the nature and purpose of education shape the language that is used to talk about teaching. This influences teaching practice. Research on education policy shows a significant move in New Zealand toward the idea that education is a commodity to be traded in the market place. In this context a language of learners and of outcomes emphasises a production output role for teachers over wider concerns for children and their wellbeing. This paper considers the origins of market ideas and suggests that commercialising education has implications for how teachers relate to children.


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How to Cite
Ballard, K. (2023). Learners and Outcomes: Where Did All the Children Go?. Teachers’ Work, 20(1), 86-97. https://doi.org/10.24135/teacherswork.v20i1.437
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