Style Guide

Style Guide

Pacific Media Monographs are a peer-reviewed occasional research journal with editions devoted to a single themed issue covering communication, journalism and media studies in Australia, New Zealand the Asia-Pacific region. The monographs provide an opportunity to publish research on greater depth than is possible with the companion journal, Pacific Journalism Review: Te Koakoa, into Pacific journalism theory and practice. The monograph has expanded into research and inquiry that reflect the broader impact of contemporary media practice and education.

A particular focus is on the cultural politics of the media, including the following issues – digital media and social movements, indigenous cultures in the age of globalisation, the politics of development, the role of the media and the formation of national identity and the cultural influence of New Zealand as a branch of the global economy within the Asia-Pacific region. It also has a special interest in environmental and development studies and communication – and the vernacular media in the region.

Articles submitted to Pacific Media Monographs should be original contributions and not under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Exceptions should be clearly indicated and why. If an article is accepted for publication, authors will need to assign copyright to the Asia Pacific Media Network Inc. to enable published articles to be held in the PJR and PMM subscription online databases.

Authors wishing to submit their research as a monograph should preferably first upload a proposal with an abstract of the planned publication and a justification for why Pacific Media Monographs should consider publishing it.

When the article is completed it should be uploaded as a “blind” attachment without identifying details.

The metadata should be completed fully with:

  • The article title,
  • The abstract (maximum 200 words),
  • Keywords,
  • Author’s name,
  • Brief biographical notes for publication, and
  • Contact details (including email and mailing address for a copy of the monograph to be sent to).

All articles accepted for consideration by the editors are double blind peer-reviewed. Referee comments and reports are sent to contributors by uploading them to the author’s Tuwhera account for PMM.

Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright clearance for any illustrations, tables, figures or other material previously published elsewhere. Preference will be given to articles with fewer than five graphs/tables. Rarely does the journal accept more than five. Photographs and images will be accepted for publication where appropriate and not usually more than three. Authors must supply all graphs/tables/images as independent jpg, tif or pdf files in high resolution format (minimum of 300 dpi).

Authors sign a waiver enabling PMM article to be stored on electronic databases and Open Access and in Aotearoa New Zealand receive a complimentary copy of the print edition which includes their published article.

Main sections:

The authors grant the monograph a Creative Commons nonexclusive worldwide licence for electronic dissemination of the article via the internet, and, a nonexclusive right to license others to reproduce, republish, transmit, and distribute the content of the journal.

Authors agree that the journal will not be liable for any damages, costs, or losses whatsoever arising in any circumstances from its services, including damages arising from the breakdown of technology and difficulties with access. 


Exceptions can be made by the editors as appropriate.

The editorial style of the monograph is American Psychological Association (APA) with some slight PJR variations. 


Common style guide:

References and style follow guidelines provided by the American Psychological Association with some slight PJR variations. For questions on references and style, consult the following APA guide at AUT University in the first instance:

Note that APA style differs from journalistic style in some respects. A custom-designed APA 7th quick guide is helpful as a PJR reference.

In text citations: 
(Dadge, 2005, p. 46) or (Morgan & Thomas, 1996, p. 32)

Articles in journals: 
Hollings, J., Lealand, G., Samson, A., & Tilley, E. (2007). The big NZ journalism survey: Underpaid, under-trained, under-resourced, unsure about the future – but still idealistic. Pacific Journalism Review, 13(2), 175-197.

Articles in online publications:
Rowlands, L. & Power, J. (2024, February 18). Palestinians fleeing Rafah face Israeli strikes. Al Jazeera.

Authored chapters in books:
Berkowitz, D. A. (2009). Reporters and their sources. In K. Wahl-Jorgensen and T. Hanitzsch (Eds.), The handbook of journalism studies (pp. 102-115). New York: Routledge.