Editorial Team
Edit Editorial Team
Editor Khairiah A. Rahman, Asia Pacific Media Network
Auckland University of Technology, Aotearoa New Zealand
Co-editor A/Prof Shailendra Singh, The University of the South Pacific,
Suva, Fiji
Co-editor Dr Amit Sarwal, independent academic and broadcaster,
Sydney, Australia
Managing Editor Prof David Robie, Asia Pacific Media Network
Independent journalist and publisher
Del Abcede, Asia Pacific Media Network
Reviews Editor
Proof Reader
Linnéa Eltes, Independent Librarian, Aotearoa New Zealand
International Editorial Board
Wendy Bacon (independent journalist and former journalism professor, Sydney, Australia)
Dr Adam Brown (independent academic, Auckland, New Zealand)
Peter Cronau (formerly ABC Four Corners, Sydney, NSW, Australia)
Dr Heather Devere (independent academic and chair of Asia Pacific Media Network, Aotearoa New Zealand)
Dr Lee Duffield (Media editor, Independent Australia, Brisbane, Qld, Australia)
Dr Gavin Ellis (Media analyst, columnist and commentator, Auckland, New Zealand)
Adjunct A/Prof Joseph M Fernandez (Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia)
Selwyn Manning (Media consultant and Evening Report publisher, Auckland, New Zealand)
Rachael Mario (Whānau Community Centre and Hub, Auckland, New Zealand)
Rene Molina (Digital filmmaker, podcaster and teacher, Auckland, New Zealand/Philippines)
Prof Camille Nakhid (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand)
Nikhil Naidu (IT and media consultant, Whānau Hub, Auckland, New Zealand)
Prof Chris Nash (Independent Researcher, Australia)
Prof Mark Pearson (Griffith University, Qld, Australia)
A/Prof Angela Romano (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Dr Amit Sarwal (independent journalist and academic, Sydney, Australia)
A/Prof Shailendra Singh (The University of the South Pacific, Laucala, Fiji)
Monika Singh (The University of the South Pacific, Laucala, Fiji)
Dr Kasun Ubayasiri (Programme director of communication and journalism, Griffith University, Qld, Australia)
Media Asia: Editor Dr Danilo Arao (University of the Philippines-Diliman, Manila, Philippines)