Immersive Photography: a practice-led methodological approach to landscape photography research
In recent years, there has been a notable shift in the design field towards practice-led research, driven by the recognition of design practitioners as valuable contributors to knowledge production. However, the lack of well-defined methodologies for conducting practice-led research in academia has posed challenges to its progress and widespread adoption. This article aims to address this gap by providing examples of effective methodologies in practice-led research. The article emphasises the importance of robust frameworks that foster a symbiotic relationship between design practice and research, integrating theoretical inquiry and hands-on experimentation. It presents an innovative approach developed by the author during their PhD, which contributes to the ongoing discourses on practice-led research in design. The proposed methodology consists of four stages: the landscape, data gathering, reflection, and feedback. By engaging in iterative cycles of design exploration, critique, and reflection, the researcher gains a holistic understanding of design processes and their outcomes. This approach facilitates an in-depth exploration of the complex interplay between design concepts, materials, and the surrounding landscape. Ultimately, this article contributes to the discourse on practice-led research in the design field by introducing a methodology that embraces the practical, creative, and theoretical aspects of design inquiry. It responds to the increasing demand for examples of effective methodologies and provides a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners engaged in practice-led research at the PhD level.
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