About the Journal


The Journal of Creative Technologies (JCT) operated as an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal for the publication of research and innovation about new technologies, creative practices, and critical theories. The journal aimed to explore applied, methodological and theoretical perspectives on emergent technological platforms and strategies through thematically focussed issues.

 Open Access

All articles published in JCT are openly accessible to read, download, and share, free of charge.

All articles published from Issue 4 onwards will be licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY). The copyright of the material remains with the author(s), and third-parties are granted permission to use, shared, and adapted the material, provided the original work is appropriately attributed.

For articles published previous to Issues 4, the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License applies.

Peer Review Process

All articles submitted to JCT are initially consider for relevancy by Guest Editors, and in some cases the Editors-in-Chief. Articles considered to be relevant to the journal issue are subject to a double-blind peer review. Reviewers recommend the article either be published as is, published with minor revisions, published with major revisions, or rejected. A final decision is made by the Guest Editors and Editors-in-Chief, based on reviewer feedback, and the authors are notified of required revisions. If significant revision of an article is required, it will undergo a second double-blind peer-review. Reviewers for each journal issue are appointed by the Editors-in-Chief, Guest Editors, and Advisory Panel, based on their expertise in the field.

Originality and Plagiarism

By submitting material to JCT, authors are agreeing that their work is entirely original, and any work included by others has been appropriately cited. Any form of plagiarism will result in the rejection of submitted papers, or removal of published papers.

Conflict of Interest

JCT requires authors, editors, advisory board members, and peer review panel members to disclose any association that poses a potential conflict of interest, in relation to their role in the publication process. Failure to disclose conflicts of interest may result in the rejection of submitted papers, or removal of published papers. Editors, advisory board members, and peer review panel members can submit papers to relevant JCT issues, but will be excluded from the selection and review process.

Peer reviewers are largely selected from other institutions, or other schools within the same institution. However, given that some areas that JCTaddresses are highly specialised, with a small pool of experts, flexibility around this may occasionally be necessary.


Authors may archive their published work in academic repositories, scholarly commons and personal websites, but in all cases, the JCTpublished version is to be acknowledged prominently as the first source and with a direct hyperlink to the JCT website.