Auckland University of Technology, Child and Youth Health Research Centre Research Roadshow Presentation (2023)




Introduction: Every year Auckland University of Technology (AUT) Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences host a research roadshow to provide staff and postgraduate research students an opportunity to showcase their work, network, exchange/share ideas and collaborate to generate new opportunities for research.

Methods: Members of the AUT Child and Youth Health Research Centre presented a combined power-point presentation where each project was allocated one slide.

Findings: Ten research projects were presented that spanned across 4 schools. The types of research included 7 empirical designs 1. Using participatory video to explore the perceptions and understandings of health and wellbeing among refugee background youth in Aotearoa New Zealand, 2. Creating a community engaged research agenda for Tamariki with Asthma, 3. The role of serious games and youth as co-designers in future healthy and sustainable city world-building, 4. Decolonising and democratising Malawian public health: A photovoice collaboration with families exploring daily meals associated with a rise in diabetes, 5. Strengthening Pacific voices through Talanoa participatory action research, 6. The creating space project, 7. Children and young people’s participation in activities that inform the planning, implementation, and evaluation of service delivery in Children’s Hospitals in New Zealand; two integrative reviews 8. Children and young people’s self-reported experiences of asthma self-management nursing strategies across various settings; 9. Factors that Influenced the experiences of paediatric nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic and one meta-analysis 10. Risk and protective factors of adolescent suicidality.

Conclusion: All together there were 30 exhibition presentations including 26 individual sessions over the day (VIMEO recording).


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Author Biographies

Paul Ripley, Auckland University of Technology

Lecturer and doctoral candidate

Registered Nurse

Master of Nursing

Julie Blamires, Auckland University of Technology

Registered Nurse

Doctor of Health Sciences

Lecturer and research scholar

Hannah Rose Kemble, Auckland University of Technology

Bachelor of Arts

Master of Nursing Sciences student

Sarah Bodmer, Auckland University of Technology

Bachelor of Science

Graduate Diploma in Health Science

Research assistant and postgraduate student

Ina Fesili, Auckland University of Technology

Bachelor of Health Sciences

Master of Nursing Sciences student

McDonald W. Nyalapa, Auckland University of Technology, University of Malawi

Bachelor of Health Sciences

Master of Public Health

Lecturer and PhD candidate

Radilaite Cammock, Auckland University of Technology

Bachelor of Health Sciences

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health

Master of Public Health


Senior lecturer

Michael Neufeld

Registered Nurse

Postgraduate Diploma

Master of Philosophy

Doctor of Health Science

Lecturer and research scholar

Rebecca Richardson, Auckland University of Technology

Bachelor of Arts and Science/Bachelor of Health Sciences

Master of Arts

Master of Arts (psychology) student

Mandie Foster, Auckland University of Technology

Registered Nurse

Postgraduate Diploma





How to Cite

Ripley, P., Blamires, J., Kemble, H. R. ., Bodmer, S., Fesili, I., Nyalapa, M. W., … Foster, M. (2023). Auckland University of Technology, Child and Youth Health Research Centre Research Roadshow Presentation (2023). Rangahau Aranga: AUT Graduate Review, 2(3).