Palestine: A genocide

Or when psychoanalysis forgot that every symptom is political

  • Agustin Palmieri Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP)/Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC)/Laboratorio de Políticas de lo Inconsciente (#LPI).
Keywords: politics, social, symptoms, capitalism


Based on its material conditions—objective and subjective—the current mode of social production promotes a particular kind of existence that perceives itself as a helpless thing, thrown towards a dark destiny from which there is no way out. As Jameson (2009) stated, it is easier to imagine the end of everything than the end of capitalism. In this sense, the Palestinian genocide can’t help but be thought of as an acute symptom of global capitalism and the fight to the death for leadership of the new geopolitical map and the world civilisational process. Therefore, all our ‘psy’ practices must be thought of in the light of a series of theoretical and ethical-political frameworks that make compossible (Badiou, 2002) a matrix of critical insight that, at the same time that interrupts the automatisms of the social, allows us to think about psychopolitical discontents as complex forms of psychic and subjective suffering that precede and exceed the bourgeois ideological sphere of the familial and the private individual.


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How to Cite
Palmieri, A. (2023). Palestine: A genocide: Or when psychoanalysis forgot that every symptom is political. Psychotherapy & Politics International, 21(3 & 4), 1-5.