Interstices 12

Unsettled Containers: Aspects of Interiority
Edited by A.-Chr. Engels-Schwarzpaul and Andrew Douglas
Interstices12 derives from a symposium held at The University of Auckland’s School of Architecture and Planning in honour of Distinguished Visitor David Leatherbarrow in October 2010. Impelling this edition is the sense of an undervaluation – critically, aesthetically, professionally – of interiority. Cursorily put, interiority is routinely the casualty of a quarantining edict that has insistently settled it ‘inside’. The essays, drawings and reviews in “Unsettled Containers: Aspects of Interiority” seek to unsettle this closeting effect and consider interiority beyond the prevailing object-cult in design and architecture and a general neglect of the interior. Against an incessant inside/outside partition (of workplaces and dwellings, public and private domains), they explore inside-outside reversals, public-private conflations, vitalising contact-intimacies and alliances that pitch up against a backdrop of stalely replicated public non-places and often banal, architectonic formalism.
Symposium: 2011
Published: 2011