The Eke Tangaroa programme for Māori/Pasifika early career academics: Past, present, future

  • Georgina Tuari Stewart Auckland University of Technology
  • Welby Ings
  • Pare Keiha
  • Wendy Lawson
Keywords: Māori academic, Pasifika/Pacific academic, early career academic, academic development


This commentary reflects on Auckland University of Technology’s Eke Tangaroa programme, which aims to increase the number of Māori and Pasifika academic staff of the university and to support them in developing their research careers. The commentary has three parts, representing the past, present and possible future of the programme. The first part (past) is by the two senior professors who came up with the idea in the first place. The second part (present) is by the inaugural and current kaiurungi (navigator) of the programme, also the first author of this commentary. The third part (future) draws on a conversation with the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic, who is responsible for the programme.

How to Cite
Stewart, G., Ings, W., Keiha, P., & Lawson , W. (2023). The Eke Tangaroa programme for Māori/Pasifika early career academics: Past, present, future. Ethnographic Edge, 6(2), 82-87.