Three-Dimensional Physique Assessment in the Military: New Zealand Defence Force Anthropometry Survey Protocols and Summary Statistics
This book describes how to conduct a large-scale anthropometric survey in the military with a specific focus on the New Zealand Defence Force Anthropometry Survey. This book provides a historical introduction to surface kinanthropometry (Part I), 3D scanning technology (Part II) and an overview of military anthropometry surveys in Part IV. It also provides a description of the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) anthropometry survey in Part IV, conclusions in Part V and concludes with the measurement technique protocols and normative data for the NZDF kinanthropometry survey in Part VI.
While surface anthropometry has traditionally been used to assess body composition through the internationally recognised methodology of the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK), the commercialisation of three-dimensional photometry (3D scanning) has led to the adoption of new and often non-standardised, measurement techniques.
We detail standardisation procedures for 3D scanning in terms of participant preparation, equipment calibration, test protocols, data reporting and data interpretation. We outline how 3D scanning works, what it is used to measure, and what the issues are surrounding its validity, practicality, and reliability. This book provides an essential reference for practitioners wishing to measure military physique. We have not presented 3-D assessment data (i.e. surface manifold, volumetric, symmetry or shape analysis). We have only extracted 1-D measures from 3D images in this eBook.


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