Cosmic walk: awakening the ecological self

  • Hilary Prentice
Keywords: ecopsychology, despair and empowerment, deep ecology, integrative psychotherapy


This paper introduces the emerging field of ecopsychology, one strand within the ‘cognitive, spiritual and perceptual revolution’ that is part of our possible transition to a sustainable and just global society. It begins by telling some of the 15‐billion‐year story of our universe, setting the largest possible context for asking the question ‘what are we doing to the rest of life on this planet, and to ourselves?’ and explores the reuniting of psychology with ecology, psyche with earth, human with ‘nature’, science with humanities. The split between these polarities and the domination of one by the other is presented as pivotal for our currently unsustainable mode of living, analogous to relationships of oppression between humans. ‘Despair and empowerment’ work is discussed as a response to psychic numbing of our feelings about the devastation of our planet. Other models for the ‘psychopathology of the human/nature relationship’ are also briefly discussed. The paper concludes by sketching some of the wide range of ecopsychological initiatives currently taking place, and inviting readers to add to these.


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How to Cite
Prentice, H. (2003). Cosmic walk: awakening the ecological self. Psychotherapy & Politics International, 1(1). Retrieved from