Different bodies: The problem of normativity in body psychotherapy

  • Nick Totton
Keywords: affordances, body psychotherapy, crip theory, disability, misfitting, normativity


This paper primarily addresses the people of effectively mainstream embodiment who make up the bulk of the body psychotherapy profession. It suggests that we need to explore and deconstruct this subject position and to think about how it may set up oppressive assumptions about our task and how we carry it out, as well as about who is capable of becoming a practitioner. Drawing in particular on disability theory, I aim to bring into question notions of “normal,” ideal or optimal embodiment and to argue for a focus instead on the real, imperfect, damaged and unique bodies which we encounter in our practice.


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How to Cite
Totton, N. (2019). Different bodies: The problem of normativity in body psychotherapy. Psychotherapy & Politics International, 17(3). Retrieved from https://ojs.aut.ac.nz/psychotherapy-politics-international/article/view/604