The uses and potential dangers of diagnostic language in psychotherapy and counselling

  • Steffi Bednarek
  • Chris Wise
Keywords: diagnosis, dialogue, eating disorder, field conditions, Gestalt Psychotherapy, medical model, personality adaptation, personality disorder, phenomenology, polarisation


The following is a discussion between two psychotherapists from different backgrounds (Gestalt and psychodynamic) debating the uses and potential dangers of diagnostic language and thinking within the profession. Starting from different positions, the two authors engage with each other's views in order to explore and expand the notion of diagnosis in more depth. The emphasis is on widening the discussion rather than proving each other wrong. Therefore there is no attempt to wrap things up in a neat conclusion. The reader is left to find his or her own position, which may end up being aligned with both authors at the same time. What on the surface may look like an expression of polar opposite positions becomes a relational exploration of common ground, expressed in different ways for different reasons.


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How to Cite
Bednarek, S., & Wise, C. (2018). The uses and potential dangers of diagnostic language in psychotherapy and counselling. Psychotherapy & Politics International, 16(1). Retrieved from