Some guidelines for surfing the edge of chaos, while riding dangerously close to the black hole of trauma

  • Sandra L. Bloom University, Philadelphia
Keywords: authoritarianism, democracy, human rights, sanctuary model, terror management theory, Trumpism


The political scene in the USA has changed dramatically with the election of Donald Trump, and antidemocratic forces appear to be gaining momentum in other countries as well. Using a post-traumatic lens to view these political forces, the author summarizes social psychology research on authoritarianism, terror management theory, and obedience studies to illustrate some of the challenges that lie ahead for citizens who want to restore Enlightenment values to their rightful position and, in doing so, defeat the antidemocratic, authoritarian and antiscientific forces that are on the rise. Then, drawing upon the growing knowledge base about the power of organizational culture and the change process, the author emphasizes the importance for any group aiming at progressive ideals to embrace a shared knowledge base, a set of shared values, a shared language and an array of shared tools for practical application in a group.


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How to Cite
Bloom, S. L. (2017). Some guidelines for surfing the edge of chaos, while riding dangerously close to the black hole of trauma. Psychotherapy & Politics International, 15(2). Retrieved from