Neoliberalism and Austerity: False Narratives and Consequences

  • Teresa Von Sommaruga Howard Architect and Group Analyst
Keywords: subaltern, dehumanisation, colonisation, epistemology, social displacement


This article offers some reflections on this special issue of Politics and Psychotherapy International. The author identifies in the various articles, a number of repeated themes: the violence inherent in neoliberalism stemming from its very first application in Chile; the ongoing and far-reaching effects of colonialism, particularly in its manifestations through globalisation; the negation of the rights of the poor, including the right to accurate information; and increasing pressures on workers to do more for less, and very often more of what is least important.


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How to Cite
Von Sommaruga Howard, T. (2016). Neoliberalism and Austerity: False Narratives and Consequences. Psychotherapy & Politics International, 14(1). Retrieved from