On developing our empathic capacities to work inter‐culturally and inter‐ethnically: attempting a map for personal and professional development

  • Colin lago
Keywords: black issues, ‘culturally skilled’ counsellors, difference and diversity, identity development, interconnecting domains of knowledge, multicultural counselling competencies, stigmatized identities, white awareness


In the early 1990s, American multicultural counselling theorists generated a matrix of ‘31 multicultural counselling competences’ that were enthusiastically adopted by the various psychotherapeutic professional bodies there. This paper constitutes an attempt to blend these original hypotheses of desirable therapist capacities and characteristics within the current circumstances reflecting the British cultural context. The original US matrix is included here and two new ‘maps’ of competences are introduced.


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How to Cite
lago, C. (2010). On developing our empathic capacities to work inter‐culturally and inter‐ethnically: attempting a map for personal and professional development. Psychotherapy & Politics International, 8(1). Retrieved from https://ojs.aut.ac.nz/psychotherapy-politics-international/article/view/323