Closing the distance on belonging to a cause

  • Tamara Sears
Keywords: causes, belonging, politics, psychotherapy


Causes are trendy stuff these days. There are badges, ribbons, groups on networking sites, magazines, dedicated shops and even a travel industry all working towards selling the idea of a worthy cause. But what is it that we are actually buying into? Is it the cause itself and the idea of bettering our society? Or is it a trendy brand badge that we can wave around to claim that we belong to something honourable? Is it both? I wish to present a paper that will attempt an exploration of what it means for somebody to take up a cause, juxtaposing those who do so for the sake of an ideology as against those who do so as a form of social acceptance. I would also like to ask the question ‘what does it mean when that somebody is a psychotherapist?’


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How to Cite
Sears, T. (2009). Closing the distance on belonging to a cause. Psychotherapy & Politics International, 7(1). Retrieved from